
Thursday, 20 June 2013

Nothing is impossible...................

So I have a fun story for you, as you know our DTS team are going on outreach for two months, this means we get to serve in other communities and support projects and churches and love the people we meet. 

So yesterday us staff were meeting with 4 individual students who are on the DTS to tell them that we needed to buy the plane tickets for our outreach today as the prices were going up and we leave in two weeks. In order to buy the tickets we needed $1,700 from each person. We had it from most the group but 4 people had either no money towards it or a very little amount. 

So we asked them to pray and speak with friends and family and if they got the money by the evening then we could book their tickets too. 

By the time it was Dinner 2 girls had pretty much all the money for the tickets which was incredible they had people calling them to donate and others just sending donations and pledges on line. Some were gifts from Students to Students too which was amazing to see the love between the group. Another student had about half the amount needed and one girl had none! 

Another student had no pennies at all, She also earlier in the week had to go and try and get a passport as she hadn't one due to some difficult circumstances but for a month or so it has looked as if it would be a really hard process to get the passport, but on Tuesday this week she walked in with a passport!! Oh we were so excited and screaming too!! It was amazing to see this happen for her!! 

After this hurdle was jumped, i knew the money would be the easier part. Anyway by 8pm that night she still had no money we prayed again and then someone walks up to her and says they will give her $500 then someone else donates a $100 then someone else $250 this was within 30mins!! We were crying haa haa and so amazed at how God had provided and was continuing to provide!! 

We then got some annymos donations and could use that for the flights so that night we were up to midnight buying the whole teams flights all the way to mexico City and Rio De Janiro Brazil!! 

We were laughing all night and so thankful to God's provision for our team!! 

Monday, 3 June 2013

God is so sneaky!!!

Ok so today i am going to tell you a crazy story of what God helped me with, its mental so please read it and    know that this is for real haa haa  it still makes me so like "what??????" But i love it!!!

I was shopping with Stephanie ( DTS Student) and Pepe (my friend and fellow DTS Staff), we are in Wallmart getting some shopping, so Stephanie and I are at the check out, so i pay by my bank card, i also needed to get some cash out so Stephanie and i went to the machine.

I put my bank card in the machine, it asked me to put in my PIN, select if I wanted to pay the charge and then asked me to select the amount I wanted to withdraw, so me and Stephanie were talking and waiting for the money to come out and take my card.

Anyway the machine didn’t give me any money and then it said on the screen that I needed to contact the bank. So I was a bit worried at this time as my card is from England and my bank too is back in England.

It was this local bank that I needed to contact, Pepe returns and we told him what was happening, so he called the bank and couldn't get through. Me and Stephanie prayed for the card to come out the machine. Pepe went to the customer Services and asked them for help, whilst he was talking with them, Stephanie and I continued to pray and I said “ Jesus I just want my card back, I don’t mind not having the money but just would like my card”

So the card doesn’t come out, we look in the bit where you put the card and I can see the card in there. I prayed again “ Ok God you will be done, whatever you are showing me or doing here, your will be done”
At that point I looked in my purse to check that I hadn’t put in my driving licence in the machine instead, looking in my purse I see my diving licence and then behind it was my bank card!!

I was like Stephanie, "look, look here is my bank card", she was like "what??"

She had watched me put the bank card in the machine; the machine had registered my card as it had asked for my PIN number and asked me if I would accept the charges. I only have one bank card too!! So we called Pepe back and showed him the card haa ha haa we were all freaking out and laughing and so amazed, God must have taken the card out the machine and placed it in my purse.

I know that this sounds crazy but God said this is the way I want you to live, to know that I can move mountains and I can do this kind of stuff!! 
Imagine how crazy this would have been if my card was stuck in the machine and i had no bank card, I would have had no access to money and it would have been hard, hard work for me to get a replacement, God's provision is awsome!!

Also i have used the card again in another cash point and it was working fine!!! Yeah Praise God!!!