
Saturday, 30 November 2013

Thanks Giving........................

Yesterday was one of my best days........

We got to do a thanks giving meal for 600 women, men and children who live in the streets in the Zona Norte Area in Tijuana. This is where they have been deported from the states and brought over the border with no way of getting home.
Stepping into the park was amazing, there was such a buzz, conversations, hugs, laughter, worship and love everywhere I looked!! This was such a special thing for everyone. It was a time to really celebrate their lives, and treasure them with the love that they deserve from God and us. It was a time to be family with them, as many peoples family, wives and children are in the states or different parts of Mexico. One man was telling me that he was trying to get 50pesos (40p, 25c) so he could get a ticket home to be with his wife and 2 children. He was trying to sell two little necklaces, but he has been there for months.

Ma y Baby
One lady who we know from week to week was enjoying the day yesterday. She was sharing her little 2 month baby with us and liking that we were holding the baby and making a fuss of him. She has been living in Zona Norte for a long time and she had the baby there. For me, I am still not understanding how this is possible for the baby to be well. I know God must have his hand of protection over both mum and baby, as it is a very dangerous place to be. Please continue to pray for this little family, that she will be able to find somewhere stable for her and the little babe soon.

This day was amazing,especially as this week in school we have been learning about the book of Job, which is a book about a man that was a God fearing man, who had everything. Satan took all Job had away: family, livestock and livelihood. God knew that Job loved him and knew he would stand true to Him. God blessed him abundantly for the later years of his life. In studying this book taught me so much more about how to be grateful for all I have and not to take that for granted, but also to know the immense power of God and that if I had nothing would God be enough for me? This was such a point for me to think and consider, is God really enough for me? If all else was gone, would I have complete faith and trust in him and him alone?!

Going to Zona Norte and seeing that these people have nothing around them but they are longing after God was a real life example and challenge for me in my faith and in my relationship with God!!  

Please take a few mins to have a look at our day
in Zona Norte!!! I like the share the fun with you all!!

Saturday, 23 November 2013


This week in our community meeting we had the chance to listen to this Dan Brauman who was arrested in Iran for being a missionary and potentially being a spy!!

Things were desperate and he clung to who God was and His character as that was all that made sense to him in that time.

I sat listening, glued to what he was saying and seeing how He has such incredible faith in God in that time of hopelessness but he still offered Jesus' love to his Interrogator. The man that beat him daily.

This is the power and strength of God!!

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Can you ever imagine.................................................

Ideally i would love to be speaking this to you so that you can close your eyes and imagine what you would be feeling and experiencing when i tell you this....................................

Can you imagine being pulled over by the Police one day and being asked for your paperwork, your licence, and you don't have it right so for us we would have a couple of weeks to take this to the Police Station, well not in the states. So they arrest you, put you in a cell, you don't get the chance to call home or anything, you don't have anything on you and you are then taken into a bus and you are driven to the Border of Mexico, Tijuana. This country is new to you, you have been brought up in the states all your life, you don't speak the language, know the culture and you have no phone, no identification, no money on you nothing and you are dropped the other side of the border where life is so very different to what you can imagine.

Maybe you can see the states through the border fence but you are a million years away from home, family, mum, dad, sons, daughters, husband, wife....................
The Border , San Diego is through the fence

Unlike home there is no homeless shelters, no food banks, no day center, no benefit help, just the concrete floor to sleep on and about 500 other men and women who have had the same experience who are looking for survival. Who are keeping a low profile so they don't get taken into the trafficking trade for sex or drugs.

Can you imagine this??!!

Zona Norte
Can you imagine not talking to family, not knowing when or if you will see your kids, spouse, parents, brothers, sisters again.....................

I cant imagine this, i cant imagine sleeping at night on the streets being scared, will you be jumped, mugged, robbed, raped, attacked.

This is miles from what you have been living in your house, working your job and maybe one day you ran a red light or were speeding................................

This is what i was asked to Imagine this morning and God really touched my heart, i felt His heart breaking for the people down in Zona Norte, Tijuana. Where hope seems non existent, happiness seems to be lost and real love is rare.

 Old lady works to get money as people wait in the Border Line!
Well this is where we are called too and this is where God longs us to be, this is where my heart longs to be, to love the way God loved us and to bring hope and family to these precious people who made a mistake, haven't we all done that one time or another...........

"The spirit of the lord God is upon me because he has appointed me to preach Good News to the poor, bind up the brokenhearted and proclaim freedom to the captives..... Isaiah 61 v 1-2