
Thursday, 14 March 2013

What's important? what will last forever.............?

In 5 days I will start my journey to Mexico Via, Germany, Dominican Republic, Panama City, Mexico City and finally land in Tijuana on Tuesday 19th March in the evening ha haa haa!!

So i have been reminded and thinking of what is important to me and what will last forever...........

In the last 5 months God has been speaking to me about investing, this word has been on my mind over and over again!! He has been showing me what is important in life and what isn't. When I was in Mexico God started this for me and started to show me that I didn't really need to have much to completely feel content/ satisfied, but that all I needed was Him, family and friends. I didn't need all the boxes I had at home full of stuff that I didn't even remember I had haa haa haa!!

He used the Mexican culture to show me that relationships are what we are to invest in to love others excellently and to have time for people, to value them and to love them. I saw how relationships take priority in that culture over other things. God reminded me that we are to invest in Him, his word and to love like He has loved us!!
 "There are three things that will endure - faith, hope and love -  and the greatest of these is Love!!"
1 Corinthians 13 v 13

Now that it is so close to me leaving family and friends behind in Sunny (haa haa) England, It's so hard to leave as my heart is here so much, it will be so hard to leave but I know that God has prepared the way and has others for me to love, invest in and show them God!! This is so exciting for me and I am honoured I get to do this and it is now that I see how investing and loving wholeheartedly is what will keep my relationships real, deep and genuine, even though I maybe half the way round the world!

So saying all this I now get to spend the day with my Sister, Lilly and Benny to laugh, love and have so much fun, feeding the ducks and playing football!! 

 Love to you all, my next blog will be from Mexico eekkkkkkkk!!! 

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