So Zona Norte is the area in Tijuana, Mexico right at the border of the USA, where the Deportees all sleep rough, there are families, women, children and men who are all living on the streets and who have nothing, and I mean nothing!!
They don't have any government financial support or provision for food, clothes or medical provision, the only things they are given is food by the local churches and us.
Ok lets get to the crazy stories.....................................
First my friend who lives at the YWAM base with me, Raly, from Nigeria, last week she prayed for a man who is a deportee, he had really bad eyesight and couldn't see much at all. He would wear glasses and couldn't read, Raly offered to pray for his eye sight to be healed, to which he said "yes" too!! She prayed, nothing changed, she prayed again and nothing happened. During the week she continued to pray for his eyesight to return. So this Wednesday when we arrived at Zona Norte to feed to People, she saw the man, he didn't have his glasses on and Raly asked him how is your sight? He said that he can see 100% and that he can now read his bible and doesn't need to wear his glasses anymore, yeahhhhh God is good!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Next, a guy who has lived in Zona Norte for a couple of years, who I have known since last year, got his hand smashed up by a truck, the back of his whole hand was smashed up, skin broken, tendons broken, he went to hospital and had it stitched but it was a very bad job, he showed me his injury and it was so badly infected it was white, yellow, swollen and very bad, I felt very sick.
As he is living on the streets he had no way of keeping it clean or his bandages clean either. So I asked if me and a friend could pray for him, he said "yes" so we did. Anyway we left and the next week he came up to Raly, (as I couldn't go to Zona Norte that week), showed her his hand, it had scared up and the infection was gone. He was able to have movement in his fingers as he couldn't do before!!!
God does this stuff for real, its amazing!!
So I was leading the prayer walk in the red light district in Tijuana this week, there were 6 of us walking and praying for the women and Children who work in the red light area, also we pray for the men, the bouncers, doormen and the punters.
We got to a street corner before we entered a street full of drug use and sex being sold, I felt like we needed to pray for Joy, that we would know the Joy of the lord with us and that we can take that pure, unselfish Joy into that place with us, we also prayed for people to be drawn to us for prayer and encouragement. As soon as we stopped praying we turned to cross the street and a man came up behind us with a guitar and was playing a really joyful song!! haa haa we laugh and continued walking and he followed us whilst he was playing and singing stills, so we walk this long street and we told him we didn't have any money but he didn't mind and just walked with us.
We stopped walking and talked with him, he started to play a worship song in the middle of the street singing and playing, it was so funny many people were stopping to listen and look. It was so fun, we got to pray for him and prayed blessings on him, he was happy when he left!! God answers prays!!!