
Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Its all about Identity and Intimacy....................

So just something I am wanting to share, you know when you learn something and you want everyone to know it too well this is one of them moments.............................

For the last few weeks in the DTS school the students have been learning about Intimacy with God, Fear of God and this week The Holy Spirit! We strive through life and have all these questions, doubts, fears, insecurities, questions and worries......... but you know what we don't need to have these attached to our lives we can live a life free of this and actually life in the freedom that God has promised us.

So your thinking "what the heck?" Well this is what its about............. God is in the trinity right and there is 3 in 1, God the father, God the son and God the Holy Spirit, so that is what Gods roles are, ok so the next step is to know our role and response to that. So our response to God the Father is to know our identity as a Son and Daughter of the creator of the earth, this is hugh and I know your probably thinking ... well that's quite a big thing to get your head around and yeah it is but ASK God and he will bring revelation to you of who He is and how he sees you as His Child, He adores you, cherishes you, delights in you and is so loving towards you. It says in the bible 
Matt 7 v 11, How much more will your father in heaven give good gifts to His children if we ask!! 
It's a challenge to us to step out and ask Him but believe me He does give incredible gifts, I was so scared of stepping out and asking for people to sponsor me as our culture is very much that we should be self sufficent, but I knew God called me into missions, so I stepped out came and he has provided the finance for me to do this, through others!!

Ok So our second response to God the Son is to know Jesus as a lover................ ok so some of you are freaking out right now and thinking that's a bit twisted hey?!! But it is about Intimacy on a emotional/spiritual level, closeness, really knowing someone on a personal level, longing to show that person everything you see in your day and sharing, spending time with and growing in a deep relationship. When we desire Jesus like this and long to spend time with Him and in His presence it brings freedom from fears, worries, insecurities and all that other rubbish stuff! This is where we start to understand our real true Identity that we were created for!! This is the most amazing, freeing revelation I have had and I know that this is who I am called to be as I have never felt this secure and content in my life ever!!

The 3rd response to the Holy Spirit is our ministry, this is our service and how we are to people around us, are we loving, caring, compassionate, serving and accepting to others. This is how we are called to be and it is through knowing God, Jesus and the holy spirit, having our Identity in Him and longing for intimacy with Him that we can live freely and loving towards everyone we meet!!

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