
Friday, 18 October 2013

Falling face down................................ The Epic Journey..............

Falling face down because there is no other words to say what is happening in my heart!! In these last few weeks i have been studying the first 4 books of the Old testament. Maybe your thinking " oh that's going to be so boring I will not read any more but please don't go, stay and just read"

I was so like this when it comes to the Old testament and in fact just reading to be honest i would read a page of a book and think that was good going, well done Paula and walk off and do something else more fun!!

Well no chance of that in Bible school, but i love it!!!! We have been reading about Moses and the Israelite and their epic journey into the wilderness, in search of the Promised Land that God had prepared for them whilst learning and discovering How God loved them, what He is like and so much more!!

I have been seeing How Moses lead this whole group of crazy (and that putting it politely) people over miles and miles of desert. He said to God he couldn't do it and yeah in his own strength no he defiantly couldn't!! But that is the cool part we get to see how God provides food for them, water, safety, He provides laws, which bring protection, value, love and respect into peoples lives and families. We get to see how God pursues us, even when we walk away and turn our back and think we can do life without Him (Which i have done many times) We get to see all of this but God is still there tapping us on the shoulder or in our hearts saying " hey come be with me i love you, i will look out for you, i will provide for your every need"

Thank you beautiful people for supporting me!!
And yeah you know what i am learning every day how i need and want God in my life, He longs for me to be sharing his plans for the future of this world with me!! I am just me, not a high up person but he longs for this with each one of us, it doesn't matter who you are, where you have come from or anything else He wants your heart and will pursue you!!

I have seen God's provision this week in my finances, i needed just over $500, i had no idea where it would come from, but God put it on people's hearts to support me in this journey and to believe in the vision God has given me.
My heart is overwhelmed by the love He has for us and how He cares about the details of our life!! I thank you all so much for being with me, I am so grateful to you all and love to you all!!!!
I am still on this journey of faith and trusting God for everything, so please continue praying for me to learn, be safe in God and in Finances!!

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