Daily i can live in the truth of who I am, I can know that I am adopted son of the Creator God that, I can trust him 100% in his character, i know that He knows me, He knows my every need from how little that may be to how Big that may be too!!
So here is a short story of His Goodness………
It was my friends Birthday and we wanted to go and have breakfast to celebrate as it was her first Birthday away from her family. So we go to a little Mexican Cafe to have breakfast and we are enjoying our conversations and having a nice time…..
Anyway the waitress comes over again and places another Bill on the table and it is blank except it says "Dios Es Bueno" in English this means "God is Good" so we look at it…. we look at the waitress and she is smiling and smiling and she says "Someone gave me this and your bill is paid you don't need to pay any money"
We are all so in shock and so thankful to God and the generous person God used to pay our breakfast as it was such an incredible blessing to us…..
I love how God knows his children, he knows our needs and he chooses to bless us daily!!!!
I know this is the God that I live for and love…..
So in two days time i will graduate from my school and i will embark on a 6 week outreach in Brasil - Stay tuned for more stories