
Monday, 21 July 2014

Living for a Reason..........

Teachings about missions in this cute church!! 
The more i am here the more i am seeing gods confirmation and his doors opening for the future plans he has for his kingdom to come.....

We have been teaching and equipping churches with the tools of tidying the word and having the foundations that don't shake and that are for ever and ones that will not shake!!!

Seeing people understand and have their eyes opened to what they are reading has been such a blessing......

The little baby from the family 
We have been having cool opportunities meeting people in the streets, praying with then and sharing food and drinks and hugs with them and prayers. We met a little family who had a baby and 2 children on the curb, they were sitting outside the house with all their belongings, we went out to speak with them and they asked for food, the mum and dad were deaf and mute so we communicated through the little girl and writing!! They have had to leave there home as it is really not safe for them to be there, we could only share food with them and pray for them but please continue praying for their safety and protection and Gods provision to......

We have been seeing God's provision and his hand guiding us, we were praying to God to Manaus as you know whilst we were here as we have some incredible opportunities to teach and train. We went and got our Yellow Fever vaccinations in faith that we were going!!!

But we had no money for it, the other day i looked at prices and it was like $500. Me and Luis were like what the heck??!!! I was thinking now we won't be going, but we prayed and said " God if you want us to go then please take the price down to like $200 then we can go" So anyway, i was thinking what do we do, just stay and see what God does.....

My home for 2 weeks... favourite place 
The next morning Luis and i walk to get bread and Luis says " What do you think about the trip to Manaus?" I was like "I don't know really we just see, what happens i guess" Luis said i think we are going we just wait!!

Then that morning i was studying and i thought let me check the price on line of the flights, so i look and oh my word Yes, they had gone down to $209 each!!!! I start screaming "LUIS, LUIS we are going to Manaus!!!"

So God is continuing to blow us away and have incredible opportunities to share his word and truth to see people be set free......

Some friends of mine at the homeless ministry 


  1. Wow girl, loove this and love your faith.. YOU ARE Going to the JUNGLE!!! so happy for you!! That will be me one day. Love you heaps you crazy awesome missionary

    1. Ha ah ah darlin yeahh we are so excited!!!1 Thank you so much!! love you and miss you xxx
